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End Homelessness and Poverty


The first responsibility of the US Government is the health and welfare of US citizens. If citizens are not healthy and secure, democracy is not even possible. We already have the solutions to our social problems; what we lack is a Congress that actually represents the interests of US citizens.


  • Universal healthcare would save US citizens $500 billion dollars a year and provide better outcomes.

  • Housing the homeless would save US citizens $10 billion dollars a year and liberate our public spaces

  • A negative income tax, or a universal basic income, is a simple way to lift US citizens out of poverty.

Stop Genocide and Endless War


The current US foreign policy of 'total spectrum dominance' is not tenable; humans love to be free, not dominated. US empire, like all empires, will end and I want a soft landing.


  • Stop the Palestinian genocide with an immediate arms embargo followed by BDS.

  • Reduce the military budget 20% per year.

  • Start closing our 800 foreign military bases.


Stop Corporate Welfare


Corporate and foreign interests control our Congress with a system of legalized bribery. The donate millions to elect their pawns to Congress and receive back billions in subsides, tax breaks, and weapons of destruction.


  • Stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry and start the transition to renewables. It would cost $1.7 to build enough solar panels to power America. That is a lot of money and less than 2 years of military spending.

  • Stop subsiding big agriculture; bring back sustainable family farming, bring back 40 acres and a mule.

  • Stop bank bailouts and 'too big to fail'; re-implement the Glass–Steagall act. The 2008 crash and bailout resulted in 8 million home being transferred from family ownership to Wall Street ownership.

Stop AIPAC : Stop Genocide :  Vote Green

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